Thoughtful Thursday
Not really, not in the sense of a physical new dog. But as I progress through my training, occasionally this "new dog" comes out and blows my socks off.
It is super exciting.

I then pull out my progression plan and look at where we are. This is the most crucial time to pull out that plan.
I do NOT want to jump ahead.
I do NOT want to leave holes.
I DO want to train the dog I have now. I want to focus on the behaviors I am now getting instead of the behaviors the dog used to offer.
Meet the animal at its level and progress as consistently as you can without sacrificing quality of training.
You may no longer have a box smasher or a dog that walks odor. So build on that.
Be prepared for that behavior to come back. It was in the repertoire at one point, my will probably come back when you least expect it. Have a plan.
Tell me about the dog you used to have vs the dog you have now! Celebrate your dog and all your hard work!
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