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Fighting Burnout


What's Up Wednesday

I've come to realize that training the same old stuff is boring for me. Sure, odor/scent work is fun, but I'm exhausting my encyclopedia of things to train. Don't get me wrong, we are still doing 'all the things' and I have a list of things my dogs are working on. But I'm talking about the 'grander' thing of having that versatile dog, creating variety, and steadiness in my dog.

Some of this takes traveling, paying for seminars, putting myself out there and in general, costs lots of time and money.

So, I can either sit in my corner, doing my original stuff, or I start looking outside my comfort zone and learning from others.

I am now fascinated by the precision of the heeling and behavior work by the dog sport people. (Thanks Cb Wing for that introduction to a new addiction).

Will I ever compete in this venue, probably not. But I can sure learn a lot by finding people who do train at that level and having them coach me, work on my mechanics, AND teach my dogs how to heel nicely.

We won't get a BH title, but I won't sprain an ankle while walking to my search area. #simplegoals

It will also help greatly with various aspects of hunting dog training.

So this past week while teaching at @bluelineK9llc and our First Annual Examiners/Evaluator Workshop here at the Foundation, I found myself learning about patrol work and bite sleeves, how to hold my hand to encourage the right position for heeling. I relearned the short training sessions concept. I learned that precision is a great thing, but you have to take baby steps to get there. (No, it doesn't happen over night.)

I also learned that resting is okay.

What is something you do with your dog that is not directly related to your chosen 'field of study' but has been helpful to your relationship?

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