Thoughtful Thursday
How fast can I get my dog on odor?
Can we try this with my puppy?
I really want to push my dog, let's try it.
These are statements I hear a lot. This also tells me what we are about to discuss is more about an internal timeline the trainer/handler has in their head than about training the dog.
In our society doing things bigger, faster, and better than someone else is often reinforced (rewarded). In dog training this sets us up for a hazards because we push, jump ahead, and dive headlong into training situations that are not well thought out.
Since we have a slightly different dog each time we train and need to adapt, we also need to realize that sometimes we need to slow down. Slice the behavior thinner so our dog is fluent.

Take the time, because it will take less time.
Peer pressure in dog training is real. Watch your mental health and embrace training at your own pace.
What was a simple win you had with your dog this week?
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