Training Tuesday
I want to train 'ALL' the things.
Seriously, I am looking at some of the options out there for my dogs and want to train them to do all sorts of things. Verbal directionals, laser directionals, dock diving, trailing/tracking, etc.
I also want to train hunt trials and have to maintain my detection work for all the dogs. There is NOT enough time in the day to train everything I want.
So now I am thinking hard about what I 'should' be training.
When I take an honest look at my dogs and what I need them to know, I'm "stuck" at functional obedience. All four of my dogs will benefit from going through a process where they learn everything from sitting in a crate until released to heeling off leash on both sides as we navigate stairs, obstacles and on the way to detection work. It's not sexy but it is actually a safety concern when your 85lb dog is trying to pull you some place and you realize you could end up flat on your face with a twisted knee or a sprained ankle.
It's also helped focus me in my detection training. Just because I 'can' do high hides, is that what my dog needs?

Just because I can train my dog to do this focused stare at target odor, is that what I need to be operational?
Just because I can train my dog to jump through windows, should I be training my dog to jump into a void where it can't see?
Don't get distracted by shiny objects. Train what you need to and train it really well.
Off to grab my training pouch and work on heeling.....