Training Tuesday
We still have a lot to work on. I do not consider her finished. In fact, this particular search tells me three main things:
1) My 10 month old puppy can search past all sorts of distractions in a recently used cattle barn. Meaning, she knows her job.
2) She has a nice amount of nose time that includes sourcing out odor in an elevated hide.
3) She understands when she gets strongest source of odor, we sit.
What it also tells me is that we have our learners permit. Each one of the small pieces of the search/locate/report chain is proficient. Now I seperate them back out in everyday training and make them fluent.
I can choose to put them together in various configurations, depending on where I'm training and what lesson I want to teach my learner that day.
This is how focused skills development works in our detection dogs. It is also how objective based training can help focus the human end of the leash for training.
How are you incorporating skills development into your locate section of the chain?
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