Training Tuesday
We are coming off an incredible two weeks.
Hosting internationally known trainers/instructors and meeting fabulous handlers from all over the US is one of the huge perks of doing what we do.
Each student has something to teach, challenge or help us instructors clarify messaging, lessons, and teaching methodologies.
Each instructor has many things to teach each student and dog, meeting them a their level and coaching them on how to push, succeed and grow.
I am so grateful to the students who entrust us with their time, attention, and hard earned money. A huge thanks to each one of you who come, take coaching and instruction to heart. We see you learn, grow and develop.
I am so grateful to the instructors who entrust us with their time and believe in the mission of K9Sensus. Each one provides valuable education and perspective to our students. I and the students value your time, experience, and wisdom.
I am eternally grateful to our staff, who make every single one of our seminars a great environment.
Fostering a true safe learning environment starts with the staff.

I could not do this without you.
Here's to the staff!
Jenn Hirakawa - Instructor/First Sergeant and all around 'Get 'er' done'
Ellen McGarry -- Sassy and super fantastic cook
Cb Wing - Instructor who sneaks in profound wisdom about play and photographer
Peggy Midgorden-Daugherty-- All around best 'oh crap' problem solver ever and photographer
These are the people, behind the scenes, that make the whole thing run.
Thank you.