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Have the Courage to Suck at Something New


Training Tuesday

Just a little over a week ago I showed up to my first hunting dog training with two labs who come from great hunting dog lines but who have been taught from a very young age that chickens and other feathered creatures are NOT appropriate to chase or even look at sideways.

I showed them a dead duck and they were very confused what to do with it. There was lots of encouragement on my part but we ended up bring out bumpers and they thought that was an awesome game.

I'm standing at this training with a bunch of people I don't know and I don't even know what questions to ask.

I'll tell you what. It was refreshing.

I could be the newbie.

I could ask dumb questions and NOT feel like I should know better. This is so far outside my detection dog world that I don't even have to pretend that I know something.

Seriously, it is okay to suck at something. We often are so worried about what people are going to think that we forget it's okay to be a newbie. It's also okay to suck at it. As long as you are aware and consciously trying to get better, that's what counts.

Those of us who have been doing it for awhile also forget what it is like to be a newbie. The million questions, the deer in the headlight look, the feeling that the person who is giving you information knows more about the topic in one small finger than you will probably ever know.

We are working in a profession where there needs to be an apprentice process. Informally that is what we try and set up through assigning mentors, having a lead trainer, and all that jazz.

For those newbies, keep asking questions. Learn from as many people as you can. Find a tribe that fits your training style but don't be afraid to reach out to new tribes and dip your toe in the water.

For the 'advanced' people. Try something new. Remember what it is like to be the newbie. Find a NEW tribe that teaches you more about our four legged partners.

Tell me about a time you were a newbie and it resulted in an 'aha' moment for your dog training....

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