Thoughtful Thursday
I think about training a lot. Sometimes I even dream about it. Some of my best training happens while I'm driving or when I'm about to wake up. Mainly because I think this is a time where I can suspend some of my normal mental restrictions and just let my brain free float.
And it turns out, when I do that, I am not focusing on the large result I want to get, I'm focusing on the small little next step or action I need my dog to take in the training progression.
My training progressions focus on a behavior I want the dog to do, not HOW I get the dog to do the behavior. I have the same progression plan for all of my dogs, but how each one of them progresses through it is slightly different. They all seem to struggle at different times because how I set up the training for the past dog does not mean it is clear for this dog.
So when confronted with a challenge of this nature, the question to myself becomes:

How do I make it clearer for the dog to understand the action I want it to do? How do I modify my training space, my body language, placement the stimuli?
This usually leads to some new ways to try.
What is a creative way you have overcome a training challenge by modifying a simple thing?
Make sure to join the K9Sensus Trainer's Group on FB and to check out our website. All of the 2023 classes and webinars are posted!