What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.

K9Research & Training Complex
Synergizing The Lab & The Field

Set on 520 acres in Iowa, The K9Sensus Education and Research Complex (ERC) provides extensive opportunities for training. Whether it be night operations or trainer interaction with a variety of animal species, the site will expand trainers’ understanding of learning processes and behavior.

Our Great Honor
Search Strategy for the Wilderness/Area Search Dog Handler
Online - Link in description to register
|Where ever your computer is!
This class is meant for the area search or wilderness search dog handler. Covers basic search strategies such as hasty, thorough and terrain strategies.

Time & Location
Online - Link in description to register
Where ever your computer is!
About the event
This class is meant for the area search or wilderness search dog handler. Covers basic search strategies such as hasty, thorough and terrain strategies. Students are then introduced how meteorology, time of day, and terrain can affect wind/scent movement and how to appropriately develop search strategies to deal with them. Probability of Detection is also covered. Final exercises include scenario based strategy development with aerial and topographic maps.
Module Developers / Robin Greubel, Mike Wiederhold, Teresa MacPherson
Type Of Class / Online Independent Study
Cost / $55.00
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