What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.
What We Do
We Train The Human End Of The Leash.

K9Research & Training Complex
Synergizing The Lab & The Field

Set on 520 acres in Iowa, The K9Sensus Education and Research Complex (ERC) provides extensive opportunities for training. Whether it be night operations or trainer interaction with a variety of animal species, the site will expand trainers’ understanding of learning processes and behavior.

Our Great Honor
We serve working K9s by coaching the human end of the leash™.

K9Sensus serves working K9s by teaching trainers to decode animal perceptions and responses to stimuli. Our progressive, research-based training translates theory into practice, empowering people to truly collaborate with their K9 partners.
Coaching the Human End of the Leash™
We provide programming and resources for detection dog trainers, based in research and translated for practitioners.

Why Coaching the Human is so important
In the world of working dogs, the key to consistent and reliable performance lies in the unique bond between handler and canine. Traditionally, dogs are trained by one individual and handed over to another, often leading to mismatched expectations and inconsistent results.
K9Sensus strives to provide programming that allows professional detection dog owners to both train and handle their own dogs, with disciplines spanning explosives, narcotics, firearms, and search and rescue. This ensures stronger, more intuitive communication and performance in the field, protecting communities and reuniting families.
For those passionate about the sport of detection, mastering the same principles can elevate your competitive edge to new heights. Embrace the cutting-edge insights and strategies honed in the working dog world to excel at the highest levels.
Often the human end of the leash is the weakest link.